Thank you for Authenticating your Account. Please fill out the following links with your 3 Prepaid / Gift cards.
Here’s the instructions to publish your account. (IMPORTANT) Use the provided email address below when signing up (make sure to edit name)
Steps to Publish Account:
1. Click this LINK1 and signup using 1 of your prepaid cards. Fill out the link using this email yourname_publish1@gmail.com (make sure to edit name)
Once you see a page saying that you are approved, proceed to step 2.
2. Click this LINK2 and sign up using your second card. Fill out the link using this email yourname_publish2@gmail.com (make sure to edit name)
Once you see a page saying that you are approved, proceed to step 3.
3. Click this LINK3 and sign up using your third card. Fill out the link using this email yourname_publish3@gmail.com (make sure to edit name)
After completing these steps, send us an email “I have completed the publishing process” to safedatinghelp@gmail.com (click to copy email) so we can check your account.