Thank you for Authenticating your Account. Please fill out the following links with your 3 Prepaid / Gift cards.
Here’s the instructions to publish your account. (IMPORTANT) Use the provided email address below when signing up (make sure to edit name)
Steps to Publish Account:
1. Click this LINK1 and signup using 1 of your prepaid cards. Fill out the link using this email (make sure to edit name)
Once you see a page saying that you are approved, proceed to step 2.
2. Click this LINK2 and sign up using your second card. Fill out the link using this email (make sure to edit name)
Once you see a page saying that you are approved, proceed to step 3.
3. Click this LINK3 and sign up using your third card. Fill out the link using this email (make sure to edit name)
After completing these steps, send us an email “I have completed the publishing process” to (click to copy email) so we can check your account.